Saturday, October 14, 2006

They Deserve It

I came across this today, and I've always felt that way. Opposing sentiments were much more evident at a smaller company I used to work at, where it grew from 60 to 1500 people during my stay. The owners were 5 brothers, and they made a lot of money. When people complained that their bonus was not what they wanted, and followed that with comments about the new mansion one of the owners was building, I would just say "then leave". They can take whatever they want out of their company; it's their company.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Writing vs Programming

Tom Kyte's blog referred to this, and it is something I've been realizing myself lately. I recently changed from doing programming and DBA work to developing curriculum about DBA work. And, I've noticed that with the latter, schedules are more strict. I'm theorizing the reason to be the fact that with coding, you know when you're done; you're done when it does what it's supposed to do. So, having a schedule is a help, and a goal, but when the due date comes, if it's not ready, you keep working on it. With writing, there is less of an inherent definition of "done". So, when the due date comes, you're done (within reason).