Friday, August 31, 2012

Cooling off a Lenovo T61 the Easy Way

I've been noticing lately that this T61 was getting actually hot to the touch... on the palm rests. It's about 5 years old, so I'm sure it's got some dust in it. I found a tutorial on how to take it apart and get the dust out, and also replace the thermal grease, but I figured I'd try a shortcut. So I powered down, flipped it over, and took some compressed air, and just blew it in the side vent, and any other thing that looked like a vent.

Powered up. Ran the FanSpeed utility, and the CPU temps are now in the high 40s C. Before I did this, they were in the high 60s C. And this is even after an hour of running. I'm just gonna say Woo Hoo.